The McLeod Lake Indian Band has 49,536 acres of reserve land, plus some fee simple properties which are at: Summit Lake (56 ha. and the Mackenzie Junction (43 ha.) that we are managing. Land Management in conjunction with the Economic Development department must try to utilize these lands in an environmental sustainable way and generate an income with them. The reserve land we have is mostly used by forestry. In the future the Band would like to have other uses of the land; such as having cabins and using them to exercise our traditional activities such as hunting, fishing, trapping, berry picking and gathering. Other ideas would be to create eco-tourism opportunities. What would you, as our Tse’Khene people like to see with our land management? Let us know!
Effective May 20th, 2003, the McLeod Lake Indian Band has jurisdiction and authority to manage the McLeod Lake Indian Band reserve land under the McLeod Lake Indian Band Land Code, 2002 (Land Code). This Land Code was enacted according to the Framework Agreement on First Nations Land Management and the First Nations Land Management Act, S.C. 1999, c.24 (FNLMA). Our Nation is an Operational First Nation under the FNLMA.
The McLeod Lake Indian Band has also enacted the McLeod Lake Indian Band Real Property Act, May 2004, which provides rules and procedures applicable on the breakdown of a marriage to the use and occupancy and possession of Band Land, and the division of interests in that land (*this is only applicable to CP allotment only and for McLeod Lake Indian Band members).
The McLeod Lake Indian Band has enacted the McLeod Lake Indian Band Property Assessment Law, 2017 and the McLeod Lake Indian Band Property Taxation Law, 2017 in accordance with the First Nations Fiscal Management Act, S.C. 2005, c.9 (FNFMA). The property laws respecting taxation for local purposes of reserve lands, interests in reserve lands or rights to occupy, possess or use reserve lands, came into force and effect on December 14th, 2017.
The McLeod Lake Indian Band has enacted the McLeod Lake Indian Band Annual Rates Law, 2018 and the McLeod Lake Indian Band Annual Expenditure Law, 2018 in accordance with the FNFMA. The property laws respecting taxation for local purposes of reserve lands, interests in reserve lands or rights to occupy, posses or use reserve lands, including laws authorizing the expenditure of local revenues and to establish tax rates and apply them to the assessed value of lands, interests and rights in the reserve, came into force and effect on June 13th, 2018.
- Cheryl Chingee,
- Richard Jackson,
- Agnes Mastin,
- Tina Van Der Ree
- Sam Chingee
MLIB Land Management Contacts
Land Stewardship Director
Tania Solonas
Land Management Assistant
Yolande Ellis
(250) 750-6860
Fax (250) 750-4420
For information on MLIB Treaty No.8 and MLIB Enforcement Laws, please Login to our MLIB Members area.