
McLeod Lake Indian Band is part of the Tse’khene group of Aboriginal peoples that also includes bands at Fort Ware (Kwadacha) and Ingenika (Tseh Kay Dene).

The main community of McLeod Lake Band is located on McLeod Lake Indian Band Indian Reserves #1 and #5 near the unincorporated village of McLeod Lake, approximately 150 kilometers north of Prince George on Highway 97. McLeod Lake Band Membership totals about 515 members (as defined under the Indian Act) with approximately 100 members living in McLeod Lake, 200 members living in Mackenzie, Chetwynd and Prince George, and the rest throughout North America.

The band government consists of an elected Chief and 6 Councillors, with elections every three years. The elections are conducted according to a strict electoral code that is custom to McLeod Lake Indian Band, is subject to the McLeod Lake Indian Band Membership Code and is open to members in common.

The present Chief and Council, elected in June 2023, are comprised of:

Harley Chingee

Elder Councillor
Jane Inyallie

On Reserve Councillor
Sonya Solonas

On Reserve Councillor
Anita Vallee

Youth Councillor
Shelby Mitchell

Off Reserve Councillor
Jodie Ware

Off Reserve Councillor
Hugh Tweed

Council believes in open and transparent government. All Council meetings are open to membership, minutes are taken and are available for membership. The Council holds community member meetings each quarter in McLeod Lake, Prince George, and one or two major cities in British Columbia and Alberta. A newsletter, The Travelling Feather, is published quarterly, to coincide with the quarterly community meetings. Council hosts an Annual General Assembly during the second week of August. There also are special community meetings held to discuss major resource projects and other matters of community interest.

Council’s role is to provide leadership and accountability for the band government and its companies. Council ensures that capable managers are hired and then provides these persons with freedom to manage within a broad structure following principles of good management and legality. Its companies are overseen by a Board of Directors appointed by, but run independently from, Chief and Council.

Decisions of Chief and Council involve study and consultation and are normally by consensus of Chief and Council.